
What Makes a Coherent Curriculum Framework?

The Kirtland Local School District curriculum and instructional design is grounded in the belief that the focus for all teaching and learning is central to the student. In order to grow and develop independent student learners who are able to problem solve, think critically, and communicate in a rapidly changing society, we believe that it is our duty to provide students with meaningful learning experiences embedded within a deep curriculum.

As a means to cultivate independent learners, we align our curriculum with Ohio's Learning Standards. Additionally, the district maintains high measurable standards for performance through ongoing assessment opportunities for students. We believe in providing instruction that is based on research based practice and includes opportunity for student choice and individualization such as the workshop model approach.

A constructivist theory of learning fuels the workshop approach for classroom instruction. Kirtland Local School District believes that students construct knowledge and meaning, rather than merely reproducing the knowledge of others. Students construct knowledge when they have opportunities to interpret, evaluate, analyze, synthesize, and organize information. This style of teaching emphasizes a dialogue with students in which they structure their learning around big ideas and concepts while persevering through problems that are relevant to everyday life.
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